Askot-Arakot-Abhiyan-2004: Report

By : Girija Pande , Dept of History ,Kumaon University, Nainital For the last three decades Himalaya has received attention of global community. Today it is being considered as the ecological lungs, an important carbon sink zone and the hot spot of bio-diversity, which can save the future of mankind. The concern for the future of the planet has shown a surge in saving this unique ecosystem. A number of international organisations and funding agencies are functional in this region and seminars, symposia, or workshops with different perceptions are in…

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Askot Aarakot Abhiyan

Askot-Aarakot Abhiyan (AAA) is a research trip being organised by PAHAR,once in a decade. This abhiyan (movement) started in the year 1974. Sekhar Pathak,who is a founder member of PAHAR and only person to be part of all the AAA since 1974,recalls his days in 1974. When the talks of Askot Aarakot Abhiyaan was started in January 1974 then we were not very sure about it.We had travelled only to Pindari and Gangotri before that. No one among us was mountaineer or even NCC cadet but that journey (Askot to…

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‘पहाड़’ संस्था – एक परिचय

‘पहाड़’ संस्था का नाम ‘पहाड़’ अंग्रेजी के शब्द PAHAR से बना है जिसका अर्थ है People’s Association for Himalaya Area Research अर्थात हिमालय क्षेत्र संबंधी शोध से जुड़े लोगों का समूह.’पहाड़’ से जुड़े लोगों का कहना है कि इस संस्था को स्थापित करने का विचार सन 1977 में आया और इसकी विधिवत स्थापना सन 1982 में हुई। यह हिमालय तथा पहाडों सम्बन्धी अध्ययन में लगी गैर सरकारी,अव्यावसायिक तथा सदस्यों के सहयोग से चलने वाली संस्था है। एक प्रकार से यह हिमालय,इसके हिस्सों या बिरादरों को समग्रता में जानने की स्वायत्त कोशिश है।

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‘पहाड़’ द्वारा प्रकाशित पुस्तक-पुस्तिकायें

पहाड़ द्वारा प्रकाशित पुस्तक-पुस्तिकाओं की सम्पूर्ण सूची।

List of all the books published by PAHAR.

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